AquaGen for Commercial Pools

Agile Aquatic can help your users eliminate breathing in chloramines and swim in safer water, especially for an indoor aquatic environment. AquaGen is a revolutionary technology! It  creates millions of ultra-fine oxygen bubbles and sends them into your pool or spa. The dissolved oxygen content in your water is increased, which increases the disinfection of your water. The extra oxygen works alongside your required sanitizer, increasing its duration and reducing your chemical costs. The AquaGen system can be built with new construction or added as an upgrade to an exisitng pool. It is a simple system which will fit easily into your existing mechanical room. The AquaGen Ultra-Fine Bubble system has been in use for a decade on the West Coast. It has been continually subjected to research, development and testing by Pure Vision Technologies, whose mission  is to provide the healthiest swimming environments possible. Agile Aquatic has partnered with Pure Vision Technologies to bring the Nano/Ultrafine Bubble System for commercial swimming pools and spas here.

The Science of Nano or Ultra-Fine Bubble

The AquaGen System creates millions of Nano or Ultra-Fine bubbles in the water. One of the amazing proprietary bubble properties is their ability to remain in solution for weeks at time. The dissolved oxygen content in the water increases by atomizing pure Oxygen—not breaking the surface tension of the water molecule. Because the system keeps trillions of Nano or Ultra-Fine bubbles in the pool water, the disinfection and oxidation levels are greatly increased which reduces the need for traditional pool chemicals. Ozone is one of the strongest natural oxidizers and disinfectants that exists. Ozone can be 20 to 3,000 times stronger than chlorine. Adding ozone to the Ultra-Fine Bubble System greatly reduces the need for traditional chemicals. 

How AquaGen helps Commercial pools

Improved Pool Sanitation 

An eco-friendly, efficient and safe solution to sanitize your pool, reducing chemical expenditures.  

Improved Air Quality Reducing the chlorine in the pool means reducing the chlorine gas that settles in the air above the water. Much better for growing children and lap swimmers! 

Water Clarity Your water becomes crystal clear, looks inviting and healthy—and it is!

Increased Bather Comfort The water feels smooth and silky, like salt water but without the salt! Even those with the most sensitive skin will enjoy being in an Ultra-Fine Bubble pool. 

It’s Measurable The effect in the water is tangible and can measured with a dissolved oxygen meter. 

Improved recovery times The incredible ultra-fine bubble is small enough to easily absorb through the skin, leaving you refreshed and energized. Athletes will appreciate improved recovery times!  Many swimmers report a reduction in inflammation. 

Improve your community—Call us for a free consultation! 

319-361-7940 Rick Whiteaker, Construction Relationship Manager